Friday, August 27, 2010

Task 2

Kelson, B. (2009). Teaching EFL to the iGeneration: A Survey of Using Youtube as Supplementary Material with College EFL Students in Taiwan. CALL-EJ Online. Retrieved from 19 August 2010, from

A) Introduction

The research article reviewed is “Teaching EFL to the iGeneration: A Survey of Using YouTube as Supplementary Material with College EFL Students in Taiwan” by Brent Kelsen of Yuan Ze University from Taiwan. This article can be found at an online journal called CALL-EJ or Computer Assisted Language Learning – Electric Journal. It is in volume 10, number 3, February 2009 edition in archives section of the website. This article aims to explore the use of YouTube as a supplementary material with EFL students in Taiwan as well as gauge their interest and perceptions towards various factors that will be discussed further in the next section on this review.

B) Summary of the Article

YouTube is currently one of the top ten most visited websites of today. There are more than 100 million videos being watched every day making it an interactive online tool. This is one technological advanced website with a clear growing popularity that may possibly be incorporated as a supplementary tool in an EFL classroom. Kelson (2009) attempted to study the concept of authenticity and student motivation and how it can be further enhanced with the use of YouTube as a supplementary tool.

The purpose of this research is to explore the use of YouTube in an EFL situation by surveying students' attitudes towards using YouTube to study English. It attempts to seek students’ perceptions with five purposes in mind. The purposes are as followed:-

  1. Making classes more interesting
  2. Being relevant to course material
  3. Being beneficial to language learning
  4. Motivating students to learn in class
  5. Motivating students to use this material to learn English outside of class.

This research was carried out on two classes of 31 and 39 students respectively, at a private university in Taiwan. On the first day of the fall semester, a questionnaire regarding their gender, access to computer and experiences using YouTube were given out. This questionnaire was given out again on the last days of the semester.

The study was carried out throughout the semester using materials from YouTube to supplement the textbook, World Link: Developing English Fluency by Susan Stempleski, James R. Morgan and Nancy Douglas, and associated classroom materials. Students were made aware of all web addresses through the class portal and were encouraged to preview/review the clips at home, before and after the viewing in the classroom. Furthermore, students were invited to suggest video clips to be used in class.

The findings of this study showed that overall students are aware of YouTube and most of them have visited the website. However, their visits initially were mostly for entertainment purposes. After being exposed to the use of YouTube as a supplementary material throughout the semester, an overwhelming percentage of students considered it to be an interesting tool in the classroom. A great majority considered it as being a relevant material to the class. Furthermore, the students found the YouTube material beneficial to them. Yet, more than half of the students, 53.3%, were not motivated to use YouTube to learn English outside the classroom. This can be attributed to the claim that most of the students considered YouTube as a means to find entertainment and not to learn English. The researcher hypothesized that YouTube can be used as an authentic material input and as a motivational tool. Teachers and students can be creative to incorporate YouTube in a variety of classroom activities. It can be interesting, beneficial, relevant as well as somewhat motivating to students. Thus the use of YouTube can be fully utilized with the right materials in mind.

C) Reaction

This researched intrigued me as YouTube has been the website of choice when looking for instant visual information for myself. It is also interesting as there is not a lot of research done on YouTube as a source of authentic material for learning English. However, there are a few setbacks in this research which left me quite perplexed. The participants of this research all came from the same department thus the results cannot be generalised to other student population. Secondly, the questionnaires were in English which might be a bit confusing to foreign language students. The researcher should have made the questionnaire in the students’ first language as well to minimise confusion. Finally, the researcher did not achieve all the goals that he set out to do. The question whether or not YouTube motivates students to learn English was left unclear since less than half of the percentage of students used YouTube outside of the classroom as a means to learn English.

Nevertheless, the researcher provides teachers with a creative way to teach English. YouTube can be considered an authentic source of material and can be manipulated to be used in the classroom. It is a fun for both teachers and learners. Still, the effectiveness of it as a whole is still in question.

The article can be found here

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Do you know that you can listen to news, reviews and anything intelligent online? Yes, we all know that we can listen to music and videos. But has anyone ever tried searching for podcast on education or even upload your own educational podcast? I just found out from the last presentation too. So I search the web and came across this which is really informative.

I have actually recorded myself reading an Aeosop fable, but I do not know how to upload it here. I tried, believe me I did. Just be patient until I figure it out ok folks.

Interactive anyone?

So, Syazwani and Fatin presented today. In a nutshell, we were suppose to create a lesson using power point. I didn't realised how rusty my computer skills have been. But after getting the hang of it, using the power point to teach can be fun. It calls on the basic skill of a game programmer, well sort of like that. Me and Farril used the power point to teach adjectives. I wouldn't say our slides were top-notch but not bad first time trying. I say, bring on the CALL to teach English. It certainly brings new light to designing lessons.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Hole in the Wall

This research has solve a lot of misconceptions on self learning using the computer. It amazed and surprised me as well that even children in the slums could learn to use the computer on their own, without any help by anyone. I mean, even I had to read the guide book on how to use my laptop when I first got it.

But that is beside the point. This research has proven that the computer is an easy tool to use in finding information. The children are not intimidated by it. The computer is not biased, it does not give negative remarks and most importantly, the children's affective filters are lowered making it easier for them to absorb knowledge.

The learning environment is flexible, open, comfortable and not evasive towards the children. It is noticed that the children help each other out rather than asking the adults from help. With all the problems that India have such as poverty, illiteracy, inadequate infrastructure, diversity of socio-cultural communities, of varied socio-economic status, spread over a large geographical region, the computer has proven that it can break down all sorts of barriers to make learning more accessible for everyone.

CALL Advantages

There are many advantages of using CALL which will be discussed in the entry today

1. It's not boring

CALL takes away from the monotonous classical classroom which can be very dreary at times. ALL programmers can provide student ways to learn English through computer games, animated graphics, and problem-solving techniques which can make drills more interesting (Ravichandran 2000).

2. Individual learning

CALL allows students to acquire knowledge at their own pace. They can decide on their own which skills to develop and which course to use.

3. A compatible learning style

Different students have different styles of learning. An incompatible style for students will cause serious conflicts to them. The computer can provide an exciting “fast” drill for one student and “slow” for another.

4. Optimal use of learning time

The flexible learning time will enable students to choose appropriate time for their learning. Learners are given a chance to study and review the materials as many times they want without limited time.

5. Error analysis

Computer database can be used by teacher to classify and differentiate the type of general error and error on account of the influence of the first language. A computer can analyze the specific mistakes that students made and can react in different way from the usual teacher, which make students able to make self-correction and understand the principle behind the correct solution. (Ravichandran, 2007)

So before casting some doubts on CALL, learn its advantages and see whether it can advantage you.

CALL of the Wild

Starting this semester we will begin learning and have a better understanding towards CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). Now, a lot of you might be apprehensive towards its fancy name. But I can assure you that it is all not that difficult to comprehend.

CALL always begins with the computer. Whether it acts as a tutor, computer as a teaching function, or as a tool that might involve a word processor, email program or a web search engine.

We are lucky in a sense that time is ever evolving now and that there are many uses of the computer that we can take advantage of.

There are many different types of CALL programs that you can take notice of which you can view in here.

Now, I notice that even when we have all of the materials available for us, just a click of the button away I might add, CALL do not always come to mind. It is important for us to first be open towards the idea of CALL and you will find that it is much easier working with it.

It is time to answer the CALL of the wild.