Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Hole in the Wall

This research has solve a lot of misconceptions on self learning using the computer. It amazed and surprised me as well that even children in the slums could learn to use the computer on their own, without any help by anyone. I mean, even I had to read the guide book on how to use my laptop when I first got it.

But that is beside the point. This research has proven that the computer is an easy tool to use in finding information. The children are not intimidated by it. The computer is not biased, it does not give negative remarks and most importantly, the children's affective filters are lowered making it easier for them to absorb knowledge.

The learning environment is flexible, open, comfortable and not evasive towards the children. It is noticed that the children help each other out rather than asking the adults from help. With all the problems that India have such as poverty, illiteracy, inadequate infrastructure, diversity of socio-cultural communities, of varied socio-economic status, spread over a large geographical region, the computer has proven that it can break down all sorts of barriers to make learning more accessible for everyone.

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